Terms & Conditions

    1. These Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter "Terms and Conditions") govern the use of the Good Company Books website [goodcompanybooks.com] (hereinafter “website”), which is managed by CENTENO & MILLER – COMÉRCIO DE LIVROS, LDA. (hereinafter “CENTENO & MILLER”), with registered office at Rua Chaby Pinheiro, n.º 15, 3.º dt.º, 1000-096 Lisbon, Portugal, with commercial registration and tax number 517724855.
    2. CENTENO & MILLER operates the website as an Internet site dedicated to promoting and publicizing literary works, books, as well as offering online purchases of these and other products.
    3. If you have any questions about how CENTENO & MILLER processes the personal data of website users (hereinafter "Users"), you can consult the Privacy Policy here.
    1. These Terms and Conditions constitute an agreement between Users and CENTENO & MILLER regarding access, browsing and use of the website, as well as regarding use of the website's Online Shop. The Terms and Conditions apply to any updates, developments, new tools and/or new properties of the website, automatically.The website allows anyone to consult the information available on it, and it is not necessary to create a User account (please refer to Clause 4) in order to access and use the Online Shop.
    1. Accessing  and browsing the website is free of charge and does not require registration or the creation of a User Account. By accessing and browsing the website, the User expressly and unreservedly accepts the Terms and Conditions and declares, for all due purposes, that the User has the legal capacity to contract and assume all obligations associated with such contracting. In particular, by accessing and browsing the website the User declares that it is of legal age under the terms of article 130 of the Portuguese Civil Code.Acceptance of and compliance with the Terms and Conditions is mandatory for any User accessing, browsing or using the website. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the website.In order to facilitate User accessibility, CENTENO & MILLER may include hyperlinks to websites owned or managed by third parties. When using the aforementioned third-party websites, the User must review and accept the terms and conditions of that website before using it, as well as accept that CENTENO & MILLER does not control the content of that website and cannot assume any responsibility in relation to them. In addition, the User accepts that a hyperlink to a third-party website does not mean that CENTENO & MILLER endorses that website.
    1. In order to be able to use the Online Shop and, in this respect, purchase the literary works and/or other products advertised therein, it will not be necessary to create a User account, however, the User must always be of legal age, under the terms of article 130 of the Portuguese Civil Code.
    2. If the User wishes to create a User account, the latter must be created using the form provided for this purpose, in which the User must indicate all the data indicated as compulsory and define the User’s password.
    3. By registering a User account, you undertake to:
      1. Provide only truthful data and provide all necessary and mandatory data.
      2. Keep your username and password diligently and assume responsibility for damages that may arise from possible misuse caused by lack of diligence.
      3. Not to engage in illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order, or to use the website for any of these purposes.
      4. Not cause damage to the physical and logical systems of CENTENO & MILLER, its suppliers, third parties or introduce or spread a virus in the computer network or any other physical or logical system that is capable of causing the aforementioned damage.
      5. Do not attempt to access the User accounts of third parties, or change their messages and passwords.
    1.  As mentioned above, in order to make a purchase in the Online Shop it is not necessary to be a User with a User account on the website.
    2. If a User wishes to purchase one or more literary works and/or other products available in the Online Shop, they should press the button designated for this purpose and add the desired literary work(s) and/or other product(s) to their basket, after which they should fill in the requested form.
    3. The User must confirm the order for the literary works and/or products added to their basket by pressing the button that says Order and pay.
    4. The User finalizes their purchase by proceeding to the payment stage. Any confirmed order implies acceptance of the price corresponding to the literary work(s) and/or product(s) purchased. The order will only be final when the corresponding price has been paid. The User guarantees that it has full right to use the means of payment it uses.
    5. After finalizing the order, the User will receive an e-mail (to the e-mail address provided at the time of purchase) confirming the details of the order. This e-mail lists the amounts invoiced, the quantities and the description of the products purchased. All of the above documents can be printed out and will constitute the contract in a durable format. The User accepts that the computerized order records are proof of the order and its date.
    6. Users can check the status of their order at any time by clicking on the "My account" or "Track your order" link in the confirmation e-mail they receive.
    7. Any abnormal order or order placed in bad faith, any fraud or attempted fraud, any incident relating to the payment of the price may result in the deletion and/or deactivation of the account of the User concerned and/or the refusal of the order.
    1. All prices are shown in Euros (€) and CENTENO & MILLER only accepts payment made in Euros (€).
    2. The prices and offers shown are valid exclusively for orders placed in the Online Shop and only for the time at which they are consulted, as they may be subject to change. The price that will be charged for the purchase will be that which corresponds to the literary work(s) and/or product(s) purchased at the time the order is placed, under the terms indicated in the previous clause.
    3. Delivery costs are calculated automatically for each order and will appear in the User's order summary. Therefore, at the time of purchase of the literary work and/or product, the User knows exactly the total price in Euros (€), including any applicable duties and taxes, as well as transport, delivery, postal or other charges.
    4. If any additional transport, delivery and postal charges are due, the User will be informed of these before the order is confirmed.
    1. Shipping and/or handling costs, which are not included in the price, will be shown before finalizing the purchase, as they may vary depending on the shipping address.
    2. No amount will be charged for handling and delivery costs when the order exceeds the minimum amount advertised in each case on the website. When this is applicable, the User will be informed of this when finalizing the order.
    1. Payment on the website can be made by credit card and/or VISA, payment by entity and reference, Apple Pay or Android Pay. The use of these payment methods does not imply any additional cost.
    2. If you choose to pay using a credit and/or VISA card, you will be redirected to a website for secure credit card payments where, after accessing it, you can make the payment.
    3. The User guarantees that he/she has the necessary authorizations to use the chosen payment method.
    1. Orders placed on the website can be sent anywhere in Portugal (including the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira).
    2. The products purchased will be delivered within 4 to 7 days from confirmation of the order.
    3. If an order is returned by the transport company to CENTENO & MILLER due to the fault of the User (such as an error in the shipping address or negligence in reception), the order will not be sent again until a new delivery order has been paid for. To initiate the procedure, please contact CENTENO & MILLER.
    1. If, at the time of delivery, the User finds that the literary work(s) and/or product(s) are damaged, the User must indicate this in writing and contact CENTENO & MILLER within 24 hours by e-mail at orders@goodcompanybooks.com.
    2. All customers may exercise their right of withdrawal within a maximum of fourteen (14) days from the moment the User or a third party, with the exception of the carrier, indicated by the User acquires physical possession of the goods, in the case of purchase and sale contracts, or:
      1. From the day on which the User or a third party, other than the carrier, indicated by the User acquires physical possession of the last good, in the case of several goods ordered by the User in a single order and delivered separately;
      2. From the day on which the User or a third party, other than the carrier, indicated by the User acquires physical possession of the last lot or element, in the case of the delivery of a good consisting of several lots or elements;
      3. From the day on which the User or a third party indicated by the User, other than the carrier, acquires physical possession of the first good, in the case of contracts for the periodic delivery of goods over a certain period of time.
    3. If the User exercises their right of withdrawal, CENTENO & MILLER will refund all payments received, including delivery costs - with the exception of additional costs resulting from the User's choice of a different delivery method and with a higher value than the cheapest option offered - without any delay or obstacle and, in any case, within a maximum period of 14 days from the date on which CENTENO & MILLER was informed of the decision to withdraw from the contract, or in any of the cases applied in the legislation in force applicable to the Users.
    4. In any case, the return will be made by the same means used by the User to make the initial payment, unless the User chooses a different means, which may incur additional costs.
    5. The costs of returning the goods, in the context of the consumer exercising their right of withdrawal, will be borne by the consumer.
    6. If the goods, due to their nature and size, cannot be returned by ordinary post, CENTENO & MILLER will be responsible for bearing the cost of returning them.
    7. In accordance with the applicable legislation and taking into account the products sold in the Online Shop, it will not be possible to exercise the right of withdrawal after delivery if:
      1. The supply of goods has been made in accordance with the specifications required by the User, or personalized.
      2. The supply includes products that may deteriorate or expire within a short period of time.
      3. The supply includes sealed goods that are not suitable to be returned due to health protection or hygiene reasons and that have been opened after delivery.
      4. The supply of goods which, after delivery and taking into account their nature, have been inextricably mixed with other goods.
      5. The supply of the daily press, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of said publications.
    8. CENTENO & MILLER will make available through the Online Shop the form for exercising the right of withdrawal, the use of which by the consumer is optional. If you make use of this option, we will send you an acknowledgement of receipt of the withdrawal request on a durable medium without delay.
    1. CENTENO & MILLER represents and warrants that all literary works and/or products advertised are original products and free from defects, subject to the terms of the legally recognized guarantee, which shall be those of the nature of the product itself and, where applicable, the after-sales service, in accordance with the regulations applicable to Users as consumers.
    2. If the product(s) purchased do not comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph, and are therefore not in conformity with what CENTENO & MILLER advertises, the User shall have the right, within three (3) years of delivery of the goods and always taking into account the conditions and limitations provided for in the applicable legislation, to have the goods brought back into conformity (by repairing or replacing the goods), to have the price reduced proportionally or to terminate the contract, as applicable. To exercise these rights, the customer may contact CENTENO & MILLER at orders@goodcompanybooks.com.
    3. CENTENO & MILLER shall not be held liable for damages and/or losses that may be caused to Users as a result of non-compliance with this clause and the regulatory conditions applied to consumers and Users in this regard.
    1. By accessing, browsing or using the website, the User undertakes to:
      1. Not to use the website for purposes other than those for which the website is intended, including illegal purposes, contrary to good faith and public order.
      2. Not to use the website in any way that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in the functionality or computer of third parties.
      3. Not to use the website for the transmission, installation or publication of any virus, malicious code or other harmful programs or files.
      4. Not to use the website to collect personal data from Users.
      5. Not register on the website with a false identity, on behalf of a third party or using a false profile.
      6. Not to access any section of the website, other connected systems or networks or the services offered through the website, by means of hacking, forgery, extraction of passwords or any other illegitimate means.
      7. Not violate or attempt to bypass the security or authentication measures of the website or any connected network, or the security and protection measures inherent in the content offered on the website.
      8. Not to carry out any action that causes a disproportionate, unjustified and unnecessary saturation of the infrastructure of the website or the network systems of the website, as well as the network systems connected to the website; or to prevent the normal development of an event, contest, promotion or any other activity available through the website or any of its functionalities, either by altering or attempting to alter, illegally or in any other way, access, participation or operation, falsifying the result and/or using fraudulent participation methods, by any procedure, and/or by any practice that violates these Terms and Conditions in any way.
      9. Do not allow transactions that are illegal or that are considered by credit card brands, or the acquiring bank, to have the potential to damage goodwill or influence it in a negative way.
    2. CENTENO & MILLER reserves the right to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, access, browsing, use, hosting and/or transfer of the content and/or use of services of the website, regardless of prior notification, in relation to Users who breach any of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, without the User being able to claim compensation for this cause.
    3. Users who do not respect the Terms and Conditions will be held liable in general terms.
    1. The User recognizes and accepts that all trademarks, trade names or logos, as well as any other intellectual property rights over the content and/or any other elements of the website are the exclusive property of CENTENO & MILLER (hereinafter, "CENTENO & MILLER Intellectual and Industrial Property").
    2. All intellectual and industrial property rights relating to the design, databases, underlying computer programs (including source codes), as well as the different elements that compose the website (texts, graphics, photographs, videos, sound recordings, color combinations, etc.), as well as their structure, selection and order, are the property of CENTENO & MILLER.
    3. Under no circumstances does access to the website imply a total or partial waiver, license or transfer of CENTENO & MILLER's Intellectual and Industrial Property, unless expressly stated otherwise.
    4. The Terms and Conditions do not grant the User the right to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate CENTENO & MILLER's Intellectual and Industrial Property.
    5. Likewise, under no circumstances do the Terms and Conditions allow Users to copy, make available to third parties, perform so-called "reverse engineering" or carry out any other type of activity that makes it possible, in whole or in part, to copy the website taking into account its entire design.
    6. The website as a whole and multimedia artistic work is protected by copyright under the terms of the applicable legislation.
    7. It is also forbidden to remove, ignore or manipulate the copyright notices or any other CENTENO & MILLER notices, as well as the technical protection devices or any information or protection mechanisms that may contain the contents.
    8. Any use or exploitation of any intellectual property rights arising from the website will be subject to the prior and express authorization of CENTENO & MILLER.
    9. Unauthorized use of the contents of the website and, consequently, of CENTENO & MILLER's Intellectual and Industrial Property, may result in the exercise of the corresponding legal actions and responsibilities.
    1. The parties undertake to fulfill their legal and contractual obligations arising from the Terms and Conditions.
    2. CENTENO & MILLER will use all commercial and technical endeavors at its disposal to keep its services available through the website, with the limits referred to in Clause 15 of the Terms and Conditions.
    3. If one of the parties fails to fulfill any of its obligations or prevents fulfillment by the other party in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, it shall be liable in general terms, with the limitation provided for in the following paragraph.
    4. The parties shall be liable for any infraction that may have occurred on purpose, and the other party shall be indemnified for any error, fault or negligence not attributable to it, and for any damage arising from said infractions or errors attributable to the other contracting party.
    5. In any case, CENTENO & MILLER's liability for any damages (contractual and non-contractual liability) related to the website is limited to cases in which it acts with intent or serious fault, in accordance with the law.
    1. Without prejudice to the legal terms, the User recognizes and accepts that CENTENO & MILLER does not warrant or is liable for, namely, but not limited to, the following:
      1. Continuity of website content;
      2. Absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on the website or the server hosting it;
      3. The invulnerability of the website and/or the impossibility of breaching the security measures adopted;
      4. Bad transmission and/or reception of any data and/or information on the internet;
      5. Failure of any reception equipment or communication lines;
      6. Any dysfunction in the internet network, which prevents the correct functioning of the website and/or the correct development of the services;
      7. Lack of usefulness or performance of the website;
      8. Damage caused to you or to third parties by any person who infringes the conditions, rules and instructions that CENTENO & MILLER establishes on the website or through the violation of its systems;
      9. Any damage caused to the User's software or computer equipment during the use of the website, or damage or loss of any kind caused to the merchant or the customer as a result of failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks, which result in suspension, cancellation or interruption during the provision of the service.
      10. Any damage to the performance of the website services arising from false or incomplete information provided by the customer or user;
      11. Any damages resulting from any judgement by the User as to the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertisement or any relationship or transaction entered into with any advertiser whose advertising is presented by CENTENO & MILLER;
      12. Any damage caused by the deletion, corruption or storage error of any content or other communications data held or transmitted by or through the use of the services;
      13. Any damages caused by the direct or indirect violation of the Terms and Conditions.
    2. CENTENO & MILLER will use all commercial and technical endeavors at its disposal to keep its services available through the website, which is an obligation that, however, does not apply to any lack of availability or performance caused by factors beyond CENTENO & MILLER's control, force majeure, internet access problems, technological problems, etc.
    3. In any case, CENTENO & MILLER reserves the right to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, access, browsing, use, hosting and/or downloading of content and/or use of services from the website, with or without prior notification, for customers or users who breach any of the provisions detailed in these Terms and Conditions, without the User being able to claim compensation for this cause.
    4. No advice or information, whether oral or written, from CENTENO & MILLER shall be construed as constituting a guarantee of any kind, unless expressly provided for in the Terms and Conditions.
    1. Users can delete their User account at any time by contacting CENTENO & MILLER at 'contact@goodcompanybooks.com.'
    2. CENTENO & MILLER reserves the right to cancel the User's account. In particular, cancellation may be carried out if a breach of any of the contractual obligations contained in these Terms and Conditions or a breach of applicable legislation is detected.
    1. CENTENO & MILLER reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Such changes will always be published on the website and, when substantial changes occur, these will also be communicated to the User(s) registered on the website, via email, in due time.
    2. If you do not accept the changes made to these Terms and Conditions, you must not use the website and you must delete your User account. Use of the website after the changes have been published will be considered acceptance of the new Terms and Conditions.
    1. The Terms and Conditions are governed by Portuguese law.
    2. Any dispute that may arise between the contracting parties regarding the interpretation or execution of these Terms and Conditions shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Courts of the District of Lisbon.
    3. In the case of disputes related to the Online Shop, the User may also resort to the alternative dispute resolution entities listed on the Consumer Portal at http://www.consumidor.pt/, where they can consult the identification of these entities and their contact details in a dynamic and up-to-date manner, or to the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform, available at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show.
    4. The User may submit a complaint via the electronic complaints book available at https://www.livroreclamacoes.pt/Inicio/.
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