The End of the Affair

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"For me one of the best, most true and moving novels of my time, in anybody's language." - William Faulkner

"It would be a very hardened sinner who could read this love story without a pang of recognition, a momentary enlargement of the heart." - Time

"It remains from first to last an almost faultless display of craftsmanship and a wonderfully assured statement of ideas. . . undeniably a major work of art." - Anthony West, The New Yorker

With An Introduction By Monica Ali.

Chekhov once suggested that a writer could best convey the effect of moonlight by describing it reflected in a broken bottle on a river's edge. Graham Greene here deals with love in like fashion: an adulterous love affair, a love which turns to hate, and a hate which turns at last to a bitter acknowledgement of God.
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